Experiences with Composable Frontends: A look behind the scenes

sitegeist - Leading in Shopware
Composable Frontends 

Composable frontends in Shopware represent a revolutionary approach to e-commerce web development. 

sitegeist has been working on projects based on Shopware Composable Frontends since 2022. We presented our experiences and learnings at the Shopware Boost Day and the Shopware Community Day. Download the presentations here or watch the interview with Miriam and Niklas Dzösch (Shopware Developer Advocate).  

Download the presentation from SCD 2024

In this talk, Miriam invites you to gain an insight into exciting projects with composable frontends. Find out how Storybook can be seamlessly integrated into a component-based development process and what advantages this brings, but also what challenges need to be overcome. In addition, she will show you how to integrate the shopware B2B components into a Composable Frontends project and how the new API client can be extended to support custom store API endpoints.

Download the presentation from Shopware Boost Day 2023

You can also download the presentation from Miriam showcased during the Shopware Boost Day 2023. In the presentation we show how we set Shopware composable frontends in action within a project and what lessons we have learned.

Shopware's Composable Frontends offer a very good technological basis of endless possibilities, making development pure joy.
Miriam Müller, 
Senior Shopware Developer @sitegeist 

Any Questions?

Do you have any question regarding shopware composable frontends or the services sitegeist has to offer? 

Do not hesitate to contact us:

sitegeist media solutions GmbH
Poßmoorweg 2
D-22301 Hamburg

+49-40-32 81 93 0